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Coriolis Flow meters

We are 100% focused on perfecting Coriolis mass flowmeters. And because we invest all our engineering skills in this technology day in and day out, we are really, really good at it. This has allowed us to pioneer in many areas, such as hydrogen, high pressure devices or special materials.

We guarantee our international customers and partners a maximum of flexibility, so all our measuring instruments are custom made at our production site in Germany. This enables us, for example, to deliver just about any connection with our devices.

Ultrasonic Flow Meter

One of the advantages of the Portalok 7S ultrasonic flow meter are its proven track record and its thousands of reliable measurements in almost every imaginable clamp on flow application…

Magnetic Flow Meter

A range of high quality economically prices magnetic flowmeters for water and wastewater applications and fluids which are conductive. We provide the magnetic flow meter and a calibration certificate from an ILAC certified calibration house…

Diesel Flow Meter

The diesel Flow meter is a positive displacement Meter to measure the liquid or instantaneous flow of the Pipe tube. It is an accumulated meter….

Water Meters

We are 100% focused on perfecting Coriolis mass flowmeters. And because we invest all our engineering skills in this technology day in and day out, we are really, really good at it. This has allowed us to pioneer in many areas, such as hydrogen, high pressure devices or special materials.

We guarantee our international customers and partners a maximum of flexibility, so all our measuring instruments are custom made at our production site in Germany. This enables us, for example, to deliver just about any connection with our devices.

Positive Displacement Flowmeters

The diesel Flow meter is a positive displacement Meter to measure the liquid or instantaneous flow of the Pipe tube. It is an accumulated meter….

Water Meter
Positive-Displacement Flowmeters
Oval Gear Flow Meter
Vortex Flow Meter
Thermal Mass Flow Meter
Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Magnetic Flow Meter
Flow indicators and Flow Switches
Air Flow Meter
Open Channel Flow Meter
Flow Switch
Mass Gas Controllers
Sanitary Flow Meters
Level Measurement
Wastewater Flowmeters
Coriolis Flow Meter
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