Spout & Flap

The Flow-Mon Double Window Sight Flow Indicators are designed to provide the means of visual inspection for process operations and plant protection. The straight through windows allow the operator to view immediate flow and to monitor the colour and condition of pipeline applications.

The plain spout enables visual inspection only while the flap variant with its graduated scale provides an indication of flow rate and repeatability of valve positioning. This variant is also available with a sprung flap to manage approximate flow that can be increased up to three times. It is an ideal solution for use in vertical lines where gravity prevents the use of an untensioned flap

Flow-Mons Double Window Sight Glass Visual Indicators are ideal for observing fluid characteristics, (motion, flow and colour) during process conditions.

Double window showing flapper arrangement

Double window showing spinner arrangement.

These Robust double glass Sight Indicators can be used (but not limited to) plant protection applications showing coolant or lubrication flow to pumps, engines and compressors.

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